Evolving Through Time: From Dinosaurs to Digital Dynasties

Fredric Cruz
4 min readAug 15, 2024

Evolution isn’t just the story of how we got here — it’s a roadmap for where we’re headed. From the colossal dinosaurs that once roamed the Earth to the intelligent machines we interact with today, evolution is the relentless force driving progress. In a world that’s changing faster than ever before, the lesson from nature is clear: evolve or perish. But fear not, dear reader, for unlike our prehistoric predecessors, we have the power to shape our evolution consciously.

Dinosaurs and Their Modern Relatives

Imagine a world where dinosaurs ruled the Earth — fearsome predators, massive herbivores, and everything in between. These ancient creatures were the pinnacle of evolution in their time, yet they couldn’t withstand the changing tides of the planet. While most dinosaurs met their end, some evolved and adapted, leaving behind a legacy that we can still observe today.

Take the humble chicken, for example. Yes, that clucking bird in your backyard is a distant relative of the mighty T. rex. Evolution has taken the once fearsome predator and transformed it into a creature that’s more at home in a coop than on the prowl. Similarly…



Fredric Cruz

Curious and Creative Marketer. Loves phygital more than pure play digital. Expert in marrying impressions with experiences to drive brand love & profitability.